samedi 10 septembre 2011

Barack Obama's personal Klu Klux Klan in Libya. Obamas persönlicher Klu Klux Klan in Libyen. Quand Obama s'allie à des racistes anti-nègres en Libye. Obama suportando anti-negros en Libya

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(...) Obama’s personal Klu Klux Klan: Al Qaeda!

The US, UK, and France, are capitalist plutocracies (ruled by a few rich). The US is a settler colonial state on the stolen land of the indigenous people which denied Africans, Indigenous People, Women, and landless white indentured servants and settlers, the right to vote for hundreds of years. Today in America an electoral college of imminent private citizens votes for the president, not the people!!!

The US President sends its settler colonial citizens to die in wars throughout the world against the will of its citizens; today the US is fighting four wars.

Britain is ruled by a Queen with no constitution and an unelected House of Lords. Therefore their crusade for democracy contrasts with their own dictatorial practice. Britain calls those rebelling against police terrorism in Britain criminals while calling Al Qaeda in Libya pro democracy forces.

France’s Constitutional Council swears in the President of France, but when the same type of Constitutional Council swore in Laurent Gbagbo in Cote D’Ivoire, France used its military to bomb the Presidential Palace and sent French commandos to capture the Ivorian Head of State and humiliate him and his wife who are currently in captivity today.

This hypocritical behavior demonstrates how the US/NATO can finance, arm, train, provide military air cover for Al Qaeda terrorist. They put a NTC mask on Al Qaeda and instruct nations of the world to recognize it as the Libyan government, imposing it with billions of dollars in bombs while fighting Al Qaeda in Afghanistan. Yes!!!!! The National Transitional Council is Al Qaeda!!!!! They are the CIA trained terrorist organization of Osama Bin Laden. They were initially the Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) and

Obama, the US President with a Black African father from Kenya and a Black wife and children is sponsoring a Klu Klux Klan, Apartheid, movement in Libya to murder Black people because of the color of their skin. In fact, if the Al Qaeda terrorist saw Obama, his, wife, or his family in Libya and didn’t know who they were, they would be lynched, raped, and tortured.

White Supremacy has massaged Obama’s head like a baby and now he has the mind of a white supremacist with the body of an African. Al Qaeda is Obama’s personal Klu Klux Klan. This means Africans in America and Africans throughout the world must organize to defend themselves because like Malcolm X said, “[the house slave] identified himself with his master more than the master identifies with himself” and “if the masters house caught on fire, the house slave would fight harder to put the fire [capitalist crisis] out than the master.”

Obama is a 21st century House Slave leading an imperialist and white supremacist invasion of Africa and using an apartheid Klu Klux Klan CIA trained Al Qaeda movement to commit genocide by bombing women, children and babies, and specifically targeting Black Africans for enslavement and genocide.

The African masses must act now!

United Africa is invincible!

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