lundi 28 mars 2011

Sponsored civil war in Libya. How Barack Obama rushed to the aid of negroes' slaughterers'

Titre originel : Guerre civile sponsorisée en Libye. Comment Obama a volé au secours des massacreurs de nègres.

Manhunt in Libya!

Chasse à l'homme en Libye !

Barack Obama
A so called 'black' member of the Libyan insurgents. Ha! Ha! Ha! To save his life, did he have any choice? A propos, what is he going to do with his machete? Slaughtering other negroes?
Un soi-disant membre 'noir' des rebelles libyens. On suppose que celui-ci s'est déterminé librement et qu'on lui a laissé le choix ? Cette bonne blague ! Mais au fait, à quoi peut bien lui servir cette machette, à massacrer d'autres nègres ?

Barack Obama

Barack Obama

And to think that we were hundreds of millions, even billions, to hope in something new, that day Barack Obama was elected president of the United States of America! Basically, we can but we'll just pick on ourselves for having so much hope. Did I say 'hope'? How strange! Could we hope that an American presidential candidate whose bank accounts were filled with Wall Street dollars and who was supported by so many lobbies – for instance the AIPAC - would change anything in Africa simply because the chances of life made that he was born from a Kenyan father? Or because his skin is a bit dark, he would devote himself mainly to the cause of the oppressed of the world, including the former colonized countries instead of just being a friend of the most corrupt Arab monarchs or even the poodle of some cynical leader as Israel's Netanyahu? How could we be so naive?

Anyway, if there were a sign of the mismatch between Barack Obama and Africa, we have got it in the sponsored civil war initiated by former white colonial powers desiring to lay hands on some former colonies, at least on those which have mining wealths like oil, and naturally under the guise of protecting civilian populations. And now people hear that in the "liberated territories" of Libya lots of black and dark-skinned Africans are being the victims of pogroms and lynching.

This issue must be particularly well documented considering the millions of pages found on the Internet. But everyone knows that Obama has no connection to the Internet!

We must admit that America's black president did not know that he was giving a hand to a colonial operation in North Africa, contributing at the same time to the slaughtering of the very people who need the most help in Libya: the black African workers!

Poor Barack Obama!

But why did we hope so much!

And now we have to forget him, so we'll do, quickly!

The following is a brief press review ('web review'!) resulting from a short research of documents on the Internet.


Et dire que nous étions des centaines de millions, des milliards même, à espérer en quelque chose de nouveau, le jour où Barack Obama fut élu président des Etats-Unis d'Amérique ! Au fond, nous ne pouvons nous en prendre qu'à nous-mêmes d'avoir tant espéré. Espéré quoi ? Qu'un Américain aux comptes de campagne remplis de dollars provenant en grande partie de Wall Street allait changer les choses en Afrique, tout simplement parce que les hasards de la vie ont fait qu'il est né d'un père kenyan ? Ou parce qu'il a la peau un peu sombre, il allait se dévouer essentiellement à la cause des opprimés du monde, et notamment du monde anciennement colonisé, au lieu de se contenter d'être l'ami des monarques arabes les plus corrompus ou encore le caniche de l'AIPAC ou de Netanyahu ? Mais que nous sommes naïfs !

En tout cas, s'il fallait un signe de l'inadéquation entre Barack Obama et l'Afrique, nous l'avons dans cette guerre civile sponsorisée par d'anciennes puissances coloniales blanches, soucieuses de remettre la main sur leurs anciennes colonies, le tout sous couvert de protection de populations civiles. Et voilà que nous apprenons que les "territoires libérés" par l'insurrection libyenne voient les noirs et personnes à peau sombre être les victimes de véritables pogroms et de lynchage. 

Il faut croire que le sujet est particulièrement bien documenté, si j'en juge par les millions de pages que l'on trouve sur l'Internet sur la question. Mais tout le monde sait que M. Obama n'a aucune connexion à l'Internet ?

Il ne savait donc pas qu'en prêtant la main à une opération coloniale en Afrique du Nord, il allait contribuer à aider ceux-là même qui pourchassent et massacrent - les personnes qui, plus que toutes autres, ont besoin d'aide - les Noirs de Libye !

Pauvre Barack Obama !

Nous avions tant espéré !

Il nous faudra l'oublier – et nous l'oublierons - très vite !

Ce qui suit est une courte revue de presse (revue du web !) résultant d'une recherche de documents sur l'Internet.

March 21, 2011 

Finally, the storyline became too much, and the White House felt the need to push back, with anonymous officials telling Politico that «it was Obama who exerted decisive leadership.» According to Politico, a senior administration official added this: "Samantha Power, Gayle Smith [another National Security Staff senior director mentioned in stories] and Hillary Clinton weren't even in the meeting (Tuesday at 9 p.m.) where the President ultimately decided to move forward and instruct Susan to seek the additional authorities at the U.N. necessary to do what we're doing."

I’m always fascinated by those who are convinced that Obama is being led around by women, specifically by Hillary Clinton.  If she can goad him into firing cruise missiles, how come she didn’t win the Democratic nomination?

Needless to say, some British, Americans and others from other western countries involved are asking «How many civilians are being killed?» and «When will the bombings end?» They’re also concerned this may lead to yet another invasion of yet another Muslim country. Something President Obama says will never happen.
But the most confusing thing to many who are opposed to the bombings of Libya is this. How does killing civilians save civilians? Fascinating logic this American-led campaign has, eh?

Robert Parry broke many of the Iran-Contra stories in the 1980s for the Associated Press and Newsweek. His latest book, Secrecy & Privilege: Rise of the Bush Dynasty from Watergate to Iraq, can be ordered at It's also available at, as is his 1999 book, Lost History: Contras, Cocaine, the Press & 'Project Truth.'
After the slaughter in Gaza in 2008-09, the biggest villain to emerge was South African jurist Richard Goldstone for writing a report that cited war crimes by both Israel and Hamas. Goldstone placed the heavier blame on Israel in the killing of some 1,400 Palestinians. (Thirteen Israelis also died.)
Instead of showing sympathy for the dead Palestinian civilians, the U.S. House of Representatives voted 344-36 to condemn Goldstone’s report as «irredeemably biased» for its criticism of Israel. That overwhelming consensus was reflected across the U.S. political/media landscape.


Libyan "revolution" attacks Black workers
No Tahrir in Benghazi: A Racist Pogrom Rages On against Black Africans in Libya. by Glen Ford

American progressives and peace forces have been in a state of joyous delirium in recent weeks as they experienced vicarious, televised popular victories in Tunisia and Egypt. Watching unarmed crowds achieve tentative victories against entrenched, U.S.-backed regimes produced a kind of giddiness on this side of the ocean -- an otherworldly feeling that, somehow, the foreign outposts of the U.S. empire might suddenly disintegrate by popular demand. But now, the U.S. naval war machine lies off the coast of Libya, and it is time for the American anti-war movement -- such as it is -- to remember who is the biggest enemy of peace on planet Earth: U.S. imperialism.
It is also becoming clearer by the day that a vicious, racist pogrom is raging against the 1.5 million sub-Saharan Black African migrant workers who do the hard jobs in Libya, work that is rejected by the relatively prosperous Libyans. Hundreds of Black migrant workers have already been killed by anti-Khadafi forces -- yet the U.S. corporate media express absolutely no concern for their safety. One Western report noted that large numbers of Black Africans were seized in Benghazi and were assumed to have been hanged. That is a war crime, whether these men were soldiers or migrant workers, but the Western correspondent seemed unconcerned. One suspects there are many atrocities occurring in the rebel-held areas of Libya, especially against people that are not members of the locally dominant tribe. Benghazi is not Tahrir Square in Cairo.
American United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice, who is at least as warlike as Condoleezza Rice, is visibly eager to invade Libya under humanitarian pretexts. The U.S. is the last country in a moral position to criticize Khadafi for his treatment of Arab civilians. Remember Fallujah, the Iraqi city of a quarter million people that the U.S. leveled after first bombing its hospitals, inflicting many thousands of casualties. If most Americans don't remember Fallujah, the Arab world certainly does.

Fears of ethnic cleansing rise as the Libyan Revolution unfolds. As we and the international community continue to give understandable solidarity to the self-proclaimed revolutionaries of Libya, it is also important that we give equal weight to the condemnation of reported atrocities now surfacing against dark-skinned people (Black Africans) by the revolutionaries, or by those acting in the name of the revolution. 
These practices should end. There is no place in revolution for ethnic cleansing. Revolution is about positive change. It is about constructing deeper humanity and bonds among people.
I write this letter to bring attention to the under-reported but troubling issue of possible ethnic cleansing in Libya. As the Libyan Revolution unfolds, fears of possible ethnic cleansing are gripping the more than 1.5 million migrant workers from sub-Saharan (Black Africa) now working as low-waged workers in the oil industry, as domestic servants, and as general labourers in Libyan society. 

Black African migrants in Libya are in desperate need of relief and assistance. They are caught between the rock of Qaddafi loyalists guarding the borders and checkpoints and relieving them of what little money they possess and the hard place of the opposition forces who unfairly deem them as the mercenaries recruited by Qaddafi to put down the uprising.
Many of these migrants are from sub-Saharan Africa, mostly from Ghana and Nigeria, and are trapped between contending forces with few options of rescue, food, and medical supplies. It has been reported that these migrants comprise more than 1.5 million of the so-called "illegal immigrants" in Libya. Needless to say, they have been pivotal to the infrastructure of Libya, particularly as laborers in construction and sanitation work.
Bereft of funds, they cannot afford to pay for flights out of the country, and even if they could, many of them have no passports or travel documents. In effect, they have been deserted by their home governments and the turmoil across Libya has left them no recourse from the Libyan government.
Meanwhile, international aid groups have been all but stifled in its attempts to rescue the migrants in Tripoli, a good number of them packed desperately in the crowded terminals at the airport.
Compounding the situation is the traditional racism and xenophobia that is a common practice among Libyans who often relegate the darker-skinned residents to a slave status. Even so, the presence of Black mercenaries who possess no ethnic sympathies and at the beck and call of Qaddafi has made their situation all the more perilous.

As nations evacuate their citizens from the violence gripping Libya, many African migrant workers are targeted because they are suspected of being mercenaries hired by Muammar Gaddafi, the Libyan leader.
Dozens of workers from sub-Saharan Africa are feared killed, and hundreds are in hiding, as angry mobs of anti-government protesters hunt down "black African mercenaries," according to witnesses.
About 90 Kenyans and another 64 citizens from South Sudan, Uganda, Zimbabwe, Lesotho, Zambia, Rwanda, South Africa, Tanzania, Democratic Republic of Congo, Sierra Leone and Burundi landed in Nairobi on Monday, according to officials.
"We were being attacked by local people who said that we were mercenaries killing people. Let me say that they did not want to see black people," Julius Kiluu, a 60-year-old building supervisor, told Reuters.
"Our camp was burnt down, and we were assisted by the Kenyan embassy and our company to get to the airport," he said.
Rights organisations say that thousands of workers are stranded in camps and private homes, protected by their colleagues as their governments fail to evacuate them from the chaos.

Ugandans Abroad  By Rebecca Harshbarger

Libya’s black African migrants are in crisis, with few able to escape the country’s guarded-borders, while still facing an opposition that suspects they are Qaddafhi-recruited mercenaries, according to reporting by the Black Star News.  On the outskirts of Tripoli, thousands of sub-saharan African migrants have fled to a makeshift camp outside of the airport in Tripoli.  The New York Times reported that the workers have hung blankets from fences and trees, are living among garbage, and are exposed to a trench of excrement between the airport and the camp.
About 1.5 million black African migrants work in Libya, frequently in construction and sanitation as laborers.  Many are from Ghana and Nigeria, working abroad to create better lives for their families back home.
Since the crisis began three weeks ago, workers have died from hunger and disease in the airport’s vicinity.  Women in the camp reported being unable to bathe since they arrived, others have tried to bathe in the bushes.  Water is very difficult to acccess.  Soldiers rob their few possessions with machine guns, and civilians attack them with knives, taking their cell phones and even their sim cards.  Children live in the camps as well, including babies that are only a few days old.

... there’s one more subject that the world media have seemingly no interest for. Meanwhile, we’re talking about a serious threat to the lives of black workers currently residing in Libya — expatriates from Niger, Chad, Mali and some other countries. 
There are more than one hundred thousand of them in Libya and they are doing much better than their fellow African «seasonal workers» in the EU countries. For quite a time Gaddafi has been carrying out «African integration» policy and even hoped to create African Union by the EU example. From the political standpoint, this was, certainly, a utopia that was treated as yet another fantasy of extravagant Arabian leader. However, this utopia was substantially funded. We have to admit that Gaddafi has actually attempted to help his neighbors — and thanks to his efforts, numerous expatriates from Black Africa gained an opportunity to work and even study in Libya. So it’s not surprising that when the riots have started, authorities began handing out weapons to those, willing to fight for the regime and black Libyan citizens have enthusiastically stood up to Gaddafi’s call. 
In their turn, journalists of American and European media who continue dubbing Libyan black-skinned citizens as «mercenaries» also have to understand that they are morally responsible for the outbreaks of racism and ethnic purges.
Historical paradox consists in the fact that once again international efforts of the USA and their allies — intended to spread democracy all over the world — are about to cause racial violence, religious and ethnic purges. «Liberation» of Kosovo in 1999 ran into murders of hundreds and exile of thousands of Serbs, terrible acts of violence conducted by the Albanian militants, mass kidnappings for the further sale of human organs. 
«Building democracy» in Iraq brought up the massive massacre between Shiites and Sunni, which has already taken its toll of thousands of lives (mind that prior to the American occupation, there was no inter-confessional hatred and enmity in Iraq), destruction of Christian community. 
Today it only took certain informational support of oppositional actions in Libya, for the outbreaks of racial violence, kidnappings and murders of black-skinned Africans to take place. 
Instead of blaming Libya expatriates from Black Africa of being mercenaries, West should have better considered their fate. Otherwise, ethnic purges in Libya would soon be named along the similar processes in Kosovo and Iraq.

About one and a half million Sub-Saharan African migrants and refugees, out of a population of nearly two to two and a half million migrants, work as cheap labour in Libya's oil industry, agriculture, construction and other service sectors.
However, this is not the first time Libya's most vulnerable immigrant population has fallen victim to racist attacks. In 2000, dozens of migrant workers from Ghana, Cameroon, Sudan, Niger, Burkina Faso, Chad and Nigeria were targeted during street killings in the wake of government officials blaming them for rising crime, disease and drug trafficking.
As the world marks the 2011 International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination, which has been dubbed the 'International Year for People of African descent', uprisings sweeping the Arab region should include a social transformation to shift perceptions of dark-skinned Arabs and non-Arabs to put an end to racial discrimination and xenophobia, experts say.
Otherwise, they warn, a violent backlash by anti-Gaddafi forces in Libya who link black skin with the regime could lead to a massive genocide once the long-time leader is ousted.

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