Des éléments factuels sur la Havaara collectés à partir de sources sionistes ainsi que du New York Times
Oubliez ces deux escroqueries sémantiques que sont la "Shoah" et l'"Holocauste", deux rideaux de fumée balancés par une mafia sans foi ni loi, assistée par une armada de pseudo-historiens dans le but de camoufler au grand public le fait qu'Hitler était un agent du projet sioniste.
La chose vous paraît incroyable, n'est-ce pas ? Si c'est le cas, posez-vous une question simple : comment un fait aussi décisif dans l'Histoire que les accords dits de Havaara a-t-il pu être dissimulé aux regards de tout le monde pendant si longtemps ? Et si vous n'êtes toujours pas convaincus par mon propos, allez donc dans une librairie ou bibliothèque universitaire quelconque et essayez d'y dénicher un seul ouvrage dédié au mariage apparemment contre-nature entre nazis et sionistes. Ce mariage a pourtant bel et bien eu lieu !
Cet article est en cours de rédaction.
- Zionists' MAIN concern was "saving Jews" when they were FIRST to normalize trade relations (a.k.a. The Haavara Agreement) with Hitler for 7+ years nonstop (1933-40). You would think Zionists gave a priority to German Jews to immigrate to Palestine.
- Zionists allocated UNDER 20% of the immigration quotas to German Jews! See the pro-Zionist book: The Transfer Agreement by Edwin Black, p. 373-4
- When Cuba & US refused to grant entry visas to MS St. Louis' passengers (May 1939) & forced it to go back to Antwerp, you would think the Jewish Agency allocated any of its immigration certificates to some of St. Louis' passengers! The opposite happened; Zionist leadership refused even to save one of those damned passengers! (The Seventh Million, p. 44)
- When Zionists became distribution agents for Nazi goods all over MENA; you would think they bothered to secure other safe heavens besides Palestine? The exact opposite happened; Edwin Black, p. 373-4
- When other Jewish (i.e. JDC) Groups attempted to replicate Haavara but to destinations other than Palestine; Zionists were vehemently against it
- As Haavara was being signed, Jewish Agency was almost bankrupt in 1933. Haavara tunneled into JA's drained coffers 35 times its 1931 budgets. Not for Haavara Zionist enterprises wouldVe been liquidated. Edwin Black, p. 379, 90
- Zionists were FIRST to normalize trade & relations with Hitler nonstop for 7 years; 9 years ahead of Mufti Hajj Amin & Vichy; to "save less than 53k Jews" (majority of them didn't use Haavara to immigrate to Palestine) Zionist Leaders didn't even pause Haavara for one minute after Nuremberg Race Laws & Kristallnacht pogrom.
- Zionists laboriously lobbied US Congress to hinder the reception of Jewish refugees to force England to open Palestine wide open for Jewish immigrationlThis MADNESS CONTINUED during WWII. See NYTimes https://nvti.ins/29v9GAE
- After Kristallnacht, England received 10k German Jewish children. You would think Zionists thanked England. You wouldn't think Ben-Gurion wished those children harm! He wished them death a month after the pogrom!
- When Adolf Eichmann VISITED Palestine in 1937, do you think he came to meet Mufti Hajj Amin or to coordinate with Zionists' Haganah? Just Google it!
- You would think Zionists had followed upon Dominican Republic's offer to save 100k Jews in 1938. They lobbied against it. see Evain Conference on Wiki.
- You would think Zionists DENOUNCED Nuremberg Laws? The exact opposite happened; they even praised Nazi prohibition against mix-marriages & segregated neighborhoods! Just Google Wear It With Pride, Yellow Star of David!
- You would think Zionists were ITCHING to fight Nazis? ONLY 5k were deployed & few saw action at the war's end. Ben-Gurion saved yishuv to battle Arabs 2 yrs after WWII ended when 120k were deployed during the war of Nakba! See Jewish Brigade on Wiki
- Zionists actively discouraged all organized boycotts of Nazis. David Ben-Gurion
- BANNED all anti-Nazi protests! Edwin Black, p. 339, 353-7 > Haavara opened the floodgates of normalization with Nazis, especially when all saw how Zionist Jews were FIRST to deal with Hitler for 7+ years nonstop!
- Zionists & Nazis taxed German Jews at 61+% of their assets, actually Black (p. 379) reported that very little cash was given back! see The Transfer Agreement on wiki
- Haavara encouraged other countries to get rid of their Jewish citizens. Similar agreements were signed with other countries just before WWII.
- If Haavara "saved" Jews; then according to this preposterous logic England & US both exterminated Europe's Jews since both halted Haavara.
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